Admonter manages to measure. Since 1972.
Wood has been processed in the densely wooded surroundings of Admont for centuries, and since 1972, the wood industry of Admont Abbey has also been involved. Our natural wood products have earned a special name for themselves: Admonter. This name is both an indication of origin and a commitment.
Our roots in the region and its people are just as strong. The name Admonter guarantees that our natural wood products are manufactured exclusively on-site. This ensures high product quality and the well-being and future of our region.
The Benedictines’ long-term thinking is evident in every respect. The craftsmanship that has grown over generations is passed on and kept alive. At the same time, we pay attention to the requirements of our time, such as renewable energy, generating our own electricity, and much more.
We are proud of our 1000-year-old Christian-social tradition, which we diligently preserve as we progress into the modern age. Our responsibility towards our employees and partners is a cornerstone of our operations, fostering open and honest relationships. We prioritize building long-term relationships based on trust and equality with our business partners. However, our ultimate goal is to ensure customer satisfaction, which we strive for in every interaction. Our communication style is friendly, efficient, and always based on mutual respect.
Decisions made are also implemented together. Naturalness and sustainability are prerequisites for selecting our raw materials, from which we manufacture products of the highest quality.
Wood has been processed in the region since 1074.
Start of industrial regional
wood processing in Admont
Construction of a sawmill
at the current location
Founding of the Admonter
Holzindustrie AG
Development of the
natural wood panel
Briquetting for recycling
of wood by-products
Birth of the
first natural wood floor
Commissioning of 2 biomass boilers
(with a total of 7 MW) commissioning
of the district heating grid
First own power generation ORC
with 400 kW
Start your own apprenticeship training
Expansion of biomass boilers by 5 MW
Second own power generation ORC
with 800 kW
Construction of highly efficient
exhaust gas filter systems for all biomass boilers
First Admonter eco-balance
Cradle to factory gate
Commissioning of a 650kWp
Photovoltaic system on the factories roofs
Expansion of the rail loading facility
EPD of all products manufactured in Admont
Change of company name and legal form to Admonter Holzindustrie AG. The Benedictines remain the owners to this day.
Listing at Sentinel Haus Institute
100% of the purchased electricity (electrical energy)
come from sustainable sources
Room concepts made of natural wood on the floor,
the wall, and the ceiling
Foundation: 1972
Owner: Benedictine monastery Admont
Board: Helmut Klausner
Employees: ca. 211
Production: Natural wood floors, panels for furniture construction, wall and ceiling cladding, stairs, acoustic panels and interior doors – all made from high-quality real wood
Brand: Admonter
Markets: Export rate: 70%, with the main markets: Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland
Customer group: Specialist wholesaler, architects, planners